Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti wrinkle injections

Anti Wrinkle Treatments at Clear Dental Care

Seen as a modern day revolution in the beauty industry, Anti Wrinkle injections can be used to treat a multitude of areas in and around a persons face, either by adding volume or smothering wrinkles in problem areas, fillers are a treatment that is ever increasing in popularity. Here at Clear Dental Care, only trained medical practitioners are performing the treatment so you be rest assured that you are in the safest hands.


Why consider an Anti Wrinkle Treatment

  • Non-invasive treatment.

  • Long lasting - Instant results.

  • Not permanent.

  • Dramatic reduction in facial fine lines and wrinkles


What areas can be treated with Anti Wrinkle Injections?

Anti wrinkle injections can be used to treat a number of different areas on the face. Namely; Frown lines, Forehead Lines, Brow Lift, Bunny Lines Crow’s Feet, Lip Flip, Gummy Smile, Jawline Slimming, Chin & Neck Cerpiness.

In certain circumstance, AWI injections can also be use to alleviate the effects of migraines.


Frequently asked questions

  • There is a minimal amount of pain with anti wrinkle injections when administered by a train professional such as the ones in Clear Dental Care. The treatment itself is administered with a veery fine needle, most patient are highly tolerant to the minimal amount of pain and discomfort experienced.

  • Generally a person can expect to see results for between 2 and 4 months before the treated muscle relaxes back to its normal state.

  • With a safety track record of over 50 years, Botulinum Toxin is considered a very safe treatment for everyone. After the treatment you may experience tenderness and light bruising around the treatment area. With treatments around the fore head area, headaches and feelings of heaviness are uncommon side effects.

  • Depending on the bruising experienced by the individual patient, it may take a short period of time after the treatment to see the full result of your anti wrinkle injection.


To make an appointment with our specialists